Sunday November 17


There are no rules in real life situations, so why impose some to yourself?

We will explore the use of everyday objects that you have in your pockets or on you, your clothes, your bag, the other person's clothes AND little tricks that make the nervous system bug, innocuous gestures that disrupt attention, invisible blows... All this does not require any peculiar physical skills , it is rathe a matter of intelligence, awareness and mailce in order to avoid combat or resolve the situation as quick as possilble to your advantage.




Location : 

  • "Bouillon" (previously Cinetec on Google) - 10/12 rue Jules Bouillon - 1060 Ixelles


Schedule : 

  • 10:45 to 11:00 - Arrival and registration
  • 11:00 to 13:30 - Training
  • 13:30 to 15:00 - Lunch break
  • 15:00 to17:30 - Training and debriefing



  • Min 16 years old
  • No previous experience requested
  • Bring  your training knife if you have one
  • Bring every day clothes that are quite warm (there is heating, but it's a former garage) that you can dirty and possibly damage : normal throusers, a jacket and sneakers (no classical sport clothes, nor shorts...)


Price :

  • 50€ / 1 day


Info & registration :

  • info@systemabrussels.com
  • 0479/88.99.05